In a nutshell

What is a duty plan evaluation? This should answer your questions...


As a crew member almost every day is a business trip. When travelling through several countries per day across multiple time zones, determining the correct meal allowance can become complicated swiftly.

We take care of this computation and add further tax-deductible expenses liketips per hotel stay, laundry per workday and of course travel expenses to your workplace.

Of course, you are perfectly capable to do this, but our service saves you the hassle.


We need ...
your retrospective duty plans (or equivalent files)
your travel behaviour
your calculation preferences
... and build an evaluation containing the following information:
additional meal allowances
hotel stays
travel expenses


An evaluation with avTax is done in just a few steps
register / create an account
uploading your duty plans
answer some questions regarding travel behaviour and calculation preferences
build the evaluation
Should you wish to customise your evaluation further, additional steps may be necessary.

How much?

The price for an evaluation with avTax is

49.90 €

Okay! Now, what?

Now you have an evaluation but need further assistance?

  • Facilitate your tax declaration using Buhl's WISO Steuer
    (available in German language only)
We assist you with your tax declaration.
What we do?
This page explains our process. Should you still have questions, then we have more offers for you:

First things first!